What are today’s currency rates?
You can find today’s exchange rates using available for click & collect orders using the link below. Please note our in-store rates differ.
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An exchange rate shows you how much of one currency you can get for a different currency, for example how many US Dollars you can get for £1000 (GBP).
The market rate (or ‘spot rate’) and our exchange rate are different because we need to cover the costs involved in exchanging currencies.
Our exchange rates are built from the market rates and a small added fee to cover the time and costs involved in getting the Travel Money to you.
Exchange rates are always changing, driven by countless global factors like interest rates, business activity, demand, and political or economic events. These can all impact a currency’s value, which affects the exchange rate.
To make sure we’re giving you fair exchange rates, we’re constantly monitoring each currency’s market value and updating our rates.