In the unlikely event we’re unable to fulfil your order, we’ll issue a refund. This will be processed immediately, but could take up to 3-5 working days for the funds to appear in your account.
This is the standard quoted timeframe adopted by the UK bank industry and we have no control over this. We don’t refund any additional charges applied by your card provider.
Cancelling click and collect orders
Need to cancel your click & collect order? We’ll give you a refund minus a £10 cancellation fee.
If you don’t pick up your click and collect order within 4 days of your chosen collection date, you’ll also be charged the cancellation fee of £10. Please be aware that we will not refund any charges from your card provider.
To cancel an order, just contact [email protected] or call us on 0300 124 5573.
You can still buy Travel Money after you’ve cancelled an order - simply place a new order.